Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wildman Walking

I think I've mentioned before that Wildman was born two months early. His health was great, but developmentally, he's always been a little behind. Which really hasn't upset Rock or me. I am glad that this is our second child and not our first. I was much more concerned with Supergirl meeting her developmental milestones and if she wasn't doing all the things that the books and magazines recommended a baby her age should be able to do, I got a little concerned. But as time went by, and I realized that my little girl was just fine, and very smart, and capable of developing at her own rate and in her own time, I relaxed about all those developmental milestones. So I was much better prepared, mentally and emotionally, to have a premature baby who developed at his own pace and a little slower than "babies his age" or even his "adjusted age". Which is good because Wildman isn't quite walking yet. And I'm not upset at all, because seriously y'all, one the hand there's wanting my child to develop and advance, but on the other hand HE'S ALREADY INTO EVERYTHING AND HE'S ONLY CRAWLING, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I swear, every five minutes, it's "Wildman, No! Get out of that! Wildman! Stop! Seriously child, leave that alone!" He is into so much more than Supergirl ever was. I now see the reason for those electrical socket covers. That child would have been a crispy critter weeks ago if we didn't have those things. And he climbs, which Supergirl never did. Now he just needs to learn how to climb back down off the sofa and the bed. Now he's getting really good at balancing himself standing up and figuring out how to get his feet properly underneath himself to hold his weight, and he's even starting to try the rocking sideways holding on to something that precedes those first sideways steps.

Pray for us?


email said...

Yeah, um... good luck with that. J just started walking about a month ago, at 14 months. Now we can't keep up with her.

Shelly said...

See, that is exactly what I know is going to happen when he starts walking. Oh my God, kill me now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't know why people are all "is he walking yet?" It truly is not a bad thing to have a little bit of sanity left before your house and everything from the floor up three feet is fair game.

Shelly said...

Shelly - Yes! Every time someone asks that, I'm like, "No, and I'm kinda glad he's not! He's a handful as he is!"

Alice said...

haaaaa. good luck. maybe look into a border collie or something that can herd him around the house for you? :-)

Shelly said...

LOL, Alice! I love that suggestion! I can just see it nipping at his heels. That would be highly amusing.

TSintheC said...

prayers winging their way to you now. Crawling babies are worse than walking ones. Walkers have to concentrate on staying upright. Crawlers? no worries about falling...and a whole world we don't know about down there.

Shelly said...

Haha! That's a great point, Hotfessional! And yes, he finds a world of dirt and lint on floors that I thought were (mostly) clean!