Thursday, February 26, 2009

Words/ Phrases That Will Make Me Want to Punch You in the Face

Webinar - Nothing makes you sound more douchey than saying "webinar"
Shoot me an email - There are many things you shoot. An email is not one of them.
I'll grab you on that in a minute - this may be exclusive to my office/ company, but it drives me insane
Hunj- (Short for "hundred") - you sound like a douchey frat boy
Fat-finger - This means to mistype. Perhaps you should just say "mistype".
Head's up - Just sounds dumb

Now tell me - what are your pet peeves?


Dating Trooper said...

I just heard one this morning that almost pushed me over th eline.

Ping - as in "Ping me on this next week will you?"
Is this just a fancy way of saying, I can't remember things myself so I am going to put the responsibility back onto you to do it and if I say it in a way that sounds really "techy" then you won't notice what a lazy-ass I am.

Pickles and Dimes said...

I hate "verbiage" as well. People here pronounce it both with and without the "i" - "verb-ee-ege" and "verb-ege." ARGH.

I also dislike "convo" for "conversation" and "vacay" for "vacation."

Also, when people use "architected" as a verb: "I architected this website." No, you BUILT it.

Tess said...


Anonymous said...

Verbiage? WTF people.

I hate "anyways" or "supposebly".

People are ignorant.

TSintheC said...

Hunj? Seriously???

Shelly said...

DT - YES! Ping! My co-workers don't use it, but I've heard it other places and it is awful.

Shelly said...

Shauna - yes, I've heard "verbiage" pronounced both ways as well. Equally annoying however you pronounce it.

"Vacay" doesn't bother me, but "convo" and "architected" are both good ones.

Shelly said...

Tess - heh. I can see that being one of your pet peeves.

Shelly said...

Shelly - oh yes. That is a whole 'nother class of annoyances - bad spelling/ poor grammar. My hubby's stepfather always says "irregardless" and I cringe every time.

Shelly said...

Hot - yes indeed. Hunj. Spoken in frat-boy-ese.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! These are GOOD! I have tons of word peeves. My MIL says "excepting", as in "I don't have anything to do today EXCEPTING I have to go to the bank." Now,I know that in the technical sence it's an accepted way of using the word EXCEPT, but it just sounds so trashy. "I ain't got nothin' 'septin to rob that thar bank......" UGH.

Anyways is one of my favorites, too.

I have to admit that I use "verbiage" on occassion--without the EEEE in the middle. I've never heard some of these, which means I've lived in my little bubble for far too long.

Anonymous said...

Let's Do Lunch - say what? I just don't get that one...

Shelly said...

Hey Hyphen and thanks! Yeah, I hate "excepting" too.

Shelly said...

Princess - yeah, I agree. Also, Let's grab lunch. What, is it running away?

Anonymous said...

Oh lord I agree with my whole heart. There's this annoying habit with Utahns to use "ignorant" to mean "rude". They also pronounce it "ignernt" even though southern accents to not exist here.

This post is so ignernt

Shelly said...

Parking - Agreed! "ignernt" is awful!