Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spying? Really?

Remember the other day when I said I had accepted a Facebook friend request from my former friend Heather's younger sister? Well, today I read this comment on Heather's blog (she was griping because she couldn't get in touch with her sister):
But damn if she can't exchange Facebook notes with my former best friend who I haven't spoken to in 5 years. (She friended the former best friend on a whim, just to see. The funny part is that my sister is basically acting as a spy. *eg* Not for me, for someone else. But it's funny.)
Yes, that would be my mother that the sister is spying for. My questions about this are two-fold:
1. How stupid do they think I am? I know exactly who this girl is. I know who she talks to. I know that any information I post or tell her will go straight back to my mother. Do they think I don't realize this?
2. What exactly do they expect to learn on Facebook? There is pathetically little information available to post. And I don't use the status thingy or post many pictures.
I'm seriously thinking about using the status thing to fuck with them. Like posting, "Shelly is amused" or "Shelly has exciting news" - then when she asks, be like, "I just saved money on my car insurance." What do you think? Am I being petty? I'm just annoyed that they think they are clever for "spying" on Facebook.


Pickles and Dimes said...

I think you should post something on Facebook just to mess with them. They deserve it. Something like: "Shelly is amused by those who think they're being secretive by publicly claiming to "spy" on someone online." (Hopefully there's enough characters for that.)


Swistle said...

Ha ha! I love how they not only think they can spy on Facebook, but also that they can discuss their Super-Secret Spy Plans on Facebook!

Shelly said...

Shauna - LOL! I like that idea, but my former friend's blog is friends-locked and I don't want to tip my hand that I can still read it. (What? She invited me to read it years ago.)

Shelly said...

Swistle - yeah, these aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, are they?

artemisia said...

Oh, this is too funny (but also insulting). I say mess with them. Oh, yes.

TSintheC said...

I think you're justifiably pi$$ed off.

Shelly said...

Artemisia - Thank you! Yes, amusing AND insulting. That is exactly how I feel. Excellent. I already have some plans...

Shelly said...

Hot - thank you! I'm glad you're on Facebook so that you'll be in on the joke.

d e v a n said...

yes, mess with them and then tell us about it. :)

Dating Trooper said...

Please, please mess with them! It will be so much fun for all of us. Loved the "I just saved money on my car insurance." That might be the funniest thing I've read all week!

Shelly said...

Devan - Okay!

Shelly said...

Hey Trooper and welcome! Yeah, I think I'll use that one today!

Anonymous said...

OOOH. I see that you actually did that and I totally fell for it, not having read your blog. Guess you're not pg after all, huh?

How about "Shelly got troubling results from the doctor today" or "Shelly is having a flare up day" or "Shelly is about to go Veronica Mars on your ass"?

Shelly said...

Hey Shelly! I emailed you back on FB, but I see you had already found this. No, I'm not pregnant (damnit!). And I LOVE your suggestions. My friend Kelly suggested some good stuff, too, so this should get interesting...

Alice said...

oh TOTALLY mess with them! this is awesome! and then post about it!! :-)

Shelly said...

Thanks Alice - I am, but I need some more ideas. If you think of anything good, email me.