Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I know that everyone was waiting for me to weigh in on the whole Twilight craze. (/end sarcasm) But I did read the first book over the weekend. And....I was underwhelmed. WAY underwhelmed. I will give Stephenie Meyers credit - I think she did an excellent job of capturing the voice of a high school girl. However, the voice of a high school girl is REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING. (Yes, I know it's aimed at young adults, but this would have annoyed me even as a high schooler.) There are also tons of grammatical errors. Seriously, where were her editors? Does anything get edited anymore? I cannot believe all the grammatical errors I see in books these days. And I'm certainly not an expert, but sometimes they jump off the page. So I'm going to come down on Jonniker's side of this one, except instead of a second grader, I think it reads like a high school freshman wrote it. The repetitive descriptions! The ability to make a mountain out of EVERY molehill! And it contains EVERY SINGLE cliche of vampire fanfic. Oh! And if it's going to be a mystery that Edward is a vampire, it might not be the best idea to put that fact ON THE BACK COVER of the novel. It takes about 10 chapters for Bella to figure out that Edward is a vampire, there's build-up and intrigue and everything! And all the while, I'm going, "DUH! He's a vampire! I READ THE BACK OF THE BOOK!" It's long, and (and I don't usually say this) boring. By the end, I was torn between dreading picking it up and wanting to finish it so that I could read something better. I wouldn't say it was completely awful, but I don't think I'll read the rest of the series. The preview of the second book annoyed the hell out of me, and I really can't imagine reading through an entire (very long) book of that, much less three more (very long) books. Do check out this hilarious drinking game based on the series, though, it's priceless.


Alice said...

oh my. i'd read so many GLOWING! REVIEWS! of this series that i sort of assumed it was my duty to read them at some point.. but now.. um... i'm thinking i won't bother. i can get some anne rice if i really need a vampire fix, right? :-)

d e v a n said...

Ak! I loved them. Every single second. I read mine on my Kindle so I did notice errors, but wondered if it was just a kindle copy thing...
Apparently not.
Also, these are not the types of books I typically read so I didn't catch the cliches. lol
Still, I loved them. I read all 4 in less than 3 days. I think I'm going to read them again.

Shelly said...

Alice - so had I! And I was resisting them, but then one of my coworkers loaned me Twilight, so I gave in and read it. Dude, stick with Anne Rice. MUCH BETTER!

Shelly said...

Devan - It's fine that you loved them! I might love some other book that you hate. To each their own, right? Read what you like and enjoy it. I love hearing other people's opinions, esp. when they're different from my opinion. And I can't decide if I want a Kindle or not. Right now they're prohibitively expensive, so I don't have to worry about it yet. : )