Friday, August 29, 2008

Chance Encounter

Oh My God, y'all, I am having the BEST day. This morning, I had a one on one call with my direct supervisor, who told me that I am making a really good impression on New Boss. That was something I was worried about and I've been really trying to impress him. But apparently, he called my supervisor to tell her how well I am doing and that he's impressed with me! I told her that made my day, but it turns out I was lying. Because what happened at lunch tops that.
I went to a mall food court with some co-workers. As we were leaving, we walked past a table with two women and three little kids. I looked over and thought, "That lady looks like Nancy Smith.*" When I was a freshman in college, I made friends with the most awesome group of girls. Two sets of roommates, another girl who lived across the hall, and me. We all became as close as sisters. The next year, one of the girls transferred to another school. But the girl across the hall moved in with me, and the rest of us stayed really tight friends. I can't really tell you how important those girls were to my life. They absolutely brought me out of shell and undid some of the damage my mother had done to my self-esteem. They were the best group of friends anyone could ask for. They were exactly what I needed. After sophomore year, though, we all went our separate ways. One girl was getting married, my roommate moved home to her parents and commuted to school, and I don't know where the others went. I haven't seen any of them in over ten years. Nancy Smith was one of those girls. So I debated going over and asking if that was her. I decided not to, because I was sure I would be wrong. But then, I thought, "This is a total chance encounter. If it IS her, I may never run into her again." So I went over to the table, and said, "Excuse me, are you Nancy Smith?" She looked up and said, "Yes." Then she looked at me for a minute and said, "Shelly?" and when I said yes, she jumped up and hugged me. She asked how I recognized her and I told her that her face hasn't changed a bit. I guess mine hasn't either, since she recognized me. She turned around and told her friend that we went to college together and her friend laughed and said she knew it had to be something like that when she heard the maiden name. Two of the little kids were Nancy's, two beautiful little boys. I showed her pictures of my two and she said how cute they were. She's still in touch with two of the other girls in our group and she's on Facebook. We talked for a few more minutes, and then I left. What an amazing coincidence to run into her at the mall. I am so happy to be back in touch with her. If I could pick any people in my life to get back in touch with, it would be that group of girls. And now I think it's going to happen. I could not be any happier.
* Not her real name.


Anonymous said...

You should buy a lottery ticket.

Shelly said...

Shelly - no kidding! I was hoping my luck would mean that we get to leave early today, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen!

Fiona Picklebottom said...

That's great! What a neat thing to happen!

Shelly said...

Fiona - I agree! I really couldn't believe I just ran into her at the mall. How random!

Pickles and Dimes said...

That's so cool! Whenever I run into people from my past, it's when I decided to make a quick pit stop somewhere after mowing the lawn/running/deciding to forgo makeup, etc.

Shelly said...

Shauna - that is an excellent point. Yes, I was clean and well-dressed, even!

Stucco Contractors Redding said...

Thank yoou for writing this