Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So! *claps hands* Last week was kinda interesting. For most of the week, I was convinced that I was pregnant. My period was about a week late, my hair had lightened up considerably (does anyone else consider that a fairly reliable sign of pregnancy? My husband swears by it.) , and some foods didn't sit well. I actually felt like I was having my food choices evaluated and sometimes rejected, just like when I was pregnant. I felt nauseous almost constantly, but if Rock laid his hand on my stomach, I felt better. I was all set to do a post and be like, "Dude, where's my period?". I stopped taking the medicines I'm supposed to stop a month before getting pregnant (whoops!). I went from mostly ambivalent, not really wanting to be pregnant, to happy and excited. BUT! I took three pregnancy tests and they were all negative. So I didn't tell anyone, and that turned out to be a good thing, because on Friday, my period started. Immediately, all the things making me think I was pregnant went away. (Except the hair - it's still lighter.) And I felt some abdominal pains and just generally run down and awful Friday and Saturday. Sunday, all that cleared up and I've felt fine ever since. But I'm a little sad, a little disappointed. So I guess we'll try again next month. I think I'm coming around to the idea of having another child. Even though they're loud little beasties, they are awfully cute and snuggleable. Just think boy thoughts for me, because I think another "high maintenance drama queen" (tm Shelly Overlook) daughter will kill me. I do have to say, though, that my body seems to have taken the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility a little too seriously. I mean, I had never even heard of ovulation spotting, much less had any. Now I have it more months than not. And this month was the first time in about 4 months of charting that my temperature followed the pattern it was supposed to. I wonder if I was pregnant and had a really early miscarriage. I think my cycle ended up being about 38 days, which is way long for me. Anyone have any experience with that? Or am I just crazy? That's always a distinct possibility with me.


TSintheC said...

I can't help ya babe, but I love living vicariously through all of you conceiving, trying to conceive, having babies...

Can I be an honorary aunt?

Manager Mom said...

good luck. I am an only child so I was totally unprepared for the two kids and how they fight. But I'm glad to have the little buggers.

d e v a n said...

Good luck! It's definitely possible to have had an early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy, or possibly just a late ovulation. In any case, good luck on the next try!

email said...

Not crazy. Early miscarriages are very common; most women don't even know they have one, they just think it's a late period. Also, ever since my last kid, I've had ovulation spotting, which sucks. Though I suppose it's useful if you're trying to get pregnant.

Shelly said...

Hot - hell yes you can be an honorary aunt! Although if you ever come to NC you will be required to visit!

Shelly said...

manager mom - hi and welcome! I'm an only child, too, so the sibling rivalry throws me, too. I couldn't believe Wildman starting biting Supergirl the second he got teeth! I'm starting to get used to it, though.

Shelly said...

Thanks so much, devan. I had read about early miscarriages in Taking Charge, but with the negative pregnancy tests, I started figuring I was just crazy.

Shelly said...

jmc - thanks so much. That's what I really feel like happened. I agree - ovulation spotting is really annoying. Especially since it happened about a week before I actually ovulated! It really threw me off on figuring out what stage in the cycle I was at. I am glad to be charting, because otherwise I wouldn't have a clue as to what all this stuff was.

Alice said...

wow, i know ZIPPO about this subject, so i've got nothing. except that i should definitely do a LOT of reading before trying to get knocked up, sounds like ;-P

Shelly said...

Not necessarily, Alice - you can get knocked up without reading a single thing! Haha! Seriously, though, I do recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility, because it teaches you so much about your cycle and what all goes on. The charting can also be used to prevent pregnancy, if you're not to the knocked up stage yet!