Thursday, February 21, 2008

More Irrational

I was walking down the hall at work when suddenly I had the irrational fear that I had not put on matching shoes this morning. I looked down in a panic and of course, I was wrong, my shoes match. What the hell?

My left heel hurts this morning. I have no idea why. It didn't hurt when I went to bed, but it hurt when I woke up. (Note: this is not the ankle I broke three years ago.) Did I chase rabbits in my sleep like dogs do? And if so, does that count as a workout, because I totally want credit for that shit.

Speaking of irrational, Rock's stepfather locked himself out of his house the other day. That wasn't the irrational part. He came up to our house to see if Rock had a key to their house (again, not the irrational part - in addition to being family, we're also their closest neighbors). Rock did have a key and went down and unlocked their house and let him back in. Here I should explain that while we are their closest neighbors, our houses are separated by a pretty thick woods. You cannot see their house from ours or vice versa. Have I made you wait long enough for the irrational part? Well, apparently, he wasn't fully dressed. Now, when Rock told me this story, he said his stepfather was "half naked" and didn't specify. Well, he gardens and just generally works outside with plants and trees and such and so I thought Rock meant the guy had on pants and no shirt. Not the case. Seems he had on a shirt that just barely covered his naughty bits and a pair of boots. And that was it. Moral of the story: If you're going to go running around outside naked or nearly so, hide a full set of clothes in your car or somewhere else accessible in case you lock yourself out of your house. I swear to God, I would kill to hear the full story on that one.


d e v a n said...

Oh my!! That must be some story. Only a shirt and boots, huh? He must have been relieved that your dh was home. (as you must be!!) lol

email said...

Um, does your husband KNOW the full story? 'Cause I'd like to hear it, too.

jen said...

yeah man you have to ask him! And if he doesn't know, he should find out. Funny stuff.

Shelly said...

Hey devan! Thanks for visiting! I'm sure he was relieved that Rock was home. And yeah, I'm definitely glad it was him instead of me!

Shelly said...

jmc, I don't think he'd ever admit to the full story. We secretly think he was outside naked and had to scrable together some clothes out of his car to even come up to our house. They wear some weird shit down there when they're home alone.

Shelly said...

Hey Jen! Welcome! I really don't think we'll ever get the full story. The stepdad is at home by himself, so there's not anyone else to ask, and I really don't think he'd tell the truth. (Would you?)

Jess said...

I get those irrational fears too. It's like I did something so routine that my brain doesn't remember doing it and then later when I replay the event in my mind I blip over that part and think I haven't done it. Does that make sense?

Shelly said...

Hey Jess! Welcome! Yeah, I think that's it exactly. I didn't remember putting my shoes on, so I had a horror that I had put on one tan shoe and one black shoe.

Laura said...

Oh how funny! It could be a heel spur if it hurts on and off. They can be pretty painful.

Shelly said...

Thanks Laura! It hurts a little again today, so I guess I'll just keep an eye on it for a few days and then go to the doctor if it keeps hurting.

Alice said...

bwaahaha.. i just can't even come up with a scenario where i'd be outside without any, say, PANTS on :-)

Shelly said...

Alice, I think I've wandered out onto the back porch naked, but that's it. 'Course, that's far enough to lock yourself out of my house, so that would do it. I *did* check the door before I closed it, though.