Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

And it all came together. The tree is decorated. I'm going to stop by Barnes and Noble on the way home from work and pick up one or two last minute gifts, and then it's all done. We'll spend tonight wrapping gifts and then the next few days at home with the kids and visiting grandparents. And Alice, you'll be pleased to know that it didn't even involve a trip to a mall! We found all our gifts at local stores (and Wa! Mart).

I feel ready to relax. I woke up yesterday morning with the cold from hell, but even it isn't getting me down. It's like a switch gets flipped at the last minute and suddenly - it's Christmas! And I'm there now.

So Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all the best.


TSintheC said...

You too, Shelly. To you and yours, the very happiest of holiday seasons!

Shelly said...

Thanks so much, Hot! Hope yours was wonderful as well!

Alice said...

haha! way to go on the mall avoidal :-) i hope you've had a lovely few christmasy days relaxing at home!

Shelly said...

Hey Alice! Thanks! Yeah, I've had some great family time. Hope your holidays were terrific!

Laura said...

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. It's amazing how quickly it all flies by.

Shelly said...

Thanks, Laura. I completely agree.