Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Things That Make Me Smile

I work in a super young, very small office. Most folks, this is their first job after college. At 31, I'm the third oldest person in the office. The oldest is 34, the second oldest only beats me because his birthday is in July and mine is in October. I'm older than the Boss. I'm older than my direct supervisor, who is not based in our office. While my age is certainly no secret, I don't really look my age, I look a bit younger. And I blend in pretty well with my co-workers, so my age isn't really commented on all that often. Still, it's a known fact that I'm older than them. Which usually works to my advantage, because it gives me some authority and gravitas when I need them to listen to me.

Anyway, three of my co-workers just popped into my office because they had a bet on how old I am. Their guesses were 27, 28, and 29, because, "She can't be in her thirties yet".

Oh yeah, baby! Drinks are on me!


Tess said...

I totally look, like sixteen, STILL. AND I am younger than every single person I supervise. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thank god they didn't come in with bets that you were 42, 51 and 63! That'd be my luck.

Shelly said...

Hahaha! Thanks Hot! Love the virtual zerbert.

Shelly said...

Tessie, I knew you would relate. I could tell from your pictures that you look really young. Just think how thrilled we'll be about this when we're 50!

Shelly said...

Shelly - this would be a very different post and a much worse day! And I might be posting from the local jail if that had been their guesses! And you don't look anywhere near those ages - you're a babyface, too.

Alice said...


i have a similar problem to tessie though.. i look fairly young, and work with a lot of middle aged men. i found out that when we set up a happy hour to celebrate the implementation of a big project i'd been a part of, a separate email chain had gone around speculating whether i was old enough to drink.

Shelly said...

Ouch, Alice. That's taking it a bit too far.