Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things Making Me Laugh Today

On Facebook:
Friend "is praying for family in transition, friends who continue to grieve, coworkers to know Jesus personally, military members abroad, their families at home, missionaries abroad & those who still wait, students who are graduating & those who still search for answers, those in leadership & those who criticize their leaders. Most of all...peace in the waiting...."
Is it wrong that my first instinct is, "Jeez, give God a break!"

Overheard in my office:
Co-Worker A to Co-Worker B: "You must have a photogenic memory!"
(She realized her mistake and corrected herself, but still.)

From inter-office newsletter:
"Moving to quickly makes my work sloppy, usually contains errors and I tend to feel scattered."
Yay, irony!

So tell me - what's making you laugh today?


d e v a n said...

That last one killed me.

Together We Save said...

Thanks for the smiles!!

Anonymous said...

Those were great!

Shelly said...

Devan - the last one really made me laugh.

Shelly said...

Together - Welcome! Glad you enjoyed!

Shelly said...

Shelly - Thanks!

Mashuga Mom said...

Ok, here's mine...It's gonna be in tomorrow's Blog Post, so here's a preview.
My son, who I call, Monkey, was upset on the way home from school. (more details in my blog post)
Anyhow,we had a huge discussion earlier in the week about NOT using the word STUPID.
As we approached the door to our building he said, "Mama, I was gonna say the word stupid, but instead I swallowed it."

Smart Move, Monkey. Smart Move.

Shelly said...

Mashuga Mom - Hi and welcome!

That is an adorable story! I love little kids and the funny things they say.