Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Of Trips and Hair

Oh HAI! Yes, I am still alive. I was on a business trip last Wednesday through Friday to Richmond, VA, which I would have asked if anyone in the area wanted to meet up except that I had NO free time at all! Between work and getting together with one work friend, I was scheduled almost every second I was there. It was a good trip, but I'm glad to be home.

Over the weekend, Wildman got his first haircut. Parents of little boys, why did you not warn me that the first haircut marks the definitive end of babyhood? Between recently starting to walk and the new haircut, he has gone from Still Mostly Baby to Completely Little Boy overnight. As evidence, I present Wildman's First Haircut: A Photo Essay in Three Parts

Before: Cute, but possibly the World's Smallest Hippie. Still looks mostly like a baby. And um, yeah, we did hack off his bangs. However did you guess?

During: I'm being tortured and the best you can do is take a damn picture?! You are heartless, woman!

After: Completely a little boy.

Seriously, I spent the rest of the weekend alternating between, "Wow, his new haircut looks great!" and "Who is this little boy and where is my BAYBEEEEE?" Rock is still hiding out at his parents'.


email said...

This is the first time I've ever seen pictures of any of you. He is adorable!!

Shelly said...

jmc - I will have to post more, then! No pictures of me, though. (There are very few, as I am the family photographer.) Thank you!

Pickles and Dimes said...

Wildman's expression in that second pic just makes me want to pick him up and kiss him. Awww.

I love his new haircut!

d e v a n said...

How cute!!

Shelly said...

Shauna - Doesn't he look pathetic? Thank you!

Shelly said...

Thanks Devan!

Alice said...

oh my gosh... the transformation really IS astounding. he's totally a little boy now! an ADORABLE little boy who had to endure TORTURE to get here, but still :-)

Shelly said...

Alice - isn't it?! I still cannot get over it! AND! He's picked up a couple new words - I swear the kid will be driving next week! Just go on and bury me already - it's clear that my time is done.

dawn224 said...

oh sweet boy :) I've been trimming Alex's for months so I haven't had to have the full on "oh no!" big change haircut yet.

Laura said...

Ohhhh...that face, that beautiful face. What a dollbaby you have.

Shelly said...

Thanks Dawn! Yeah, we had trimmed over his ears before, and then we hacked off his bangs (because we were brushing them off to the side and they were falling into one eye and starting to irritate that eye), but this was the first full scale, whole head haircut. It was a shocker!

Heather J. said...

Holy cow, he looks so grown up.
I'm weeping for you......
I hate it when they grow up!

Shelly said...

Thank you, Laura. He's my little sweetie. He's a little snuggler and has already learned to give kisses. He's going to be dangerous when he starts dating! *evil cackle*

Shelly said...

Hey Heather! I don't mind them growing up - I just prefer it to be slow and gradual. This was kind of a shock. I'm adjusting to it, though. Rock is totally trying to capitolize on it and convince me to have another baby!

Jess said...

He is SO CUTE. It HURTS. Seriously, it does. I NEED ONE.

Shelly said...

Jess - thank you! And, be careful what you wish for. : )