Front view! Doesn't it look like it's smiling? Such a happy car. It also gets really great fuel mileage and has satellite radio and bluetooth capability, which works some of the time. But hey - I live out in BFE, so I'm pretty accustomed to things not working all the time.
And then, not two months after I bought it, I made the mistake of going to a popular and very crowded shopping center 3 days before Christmas. And a dumbass with a freaking huge dog in her car wasn't paying attention and bumped into me at an intersection. (No offense to my friends who own dogs, but y'know, they can be kinda distracting when you're driving.) I was at a stoplight, turning right from a lane in which you could turn right or go straight through the light. Once the light turned green, I pulled off the line and started to make my turn. She came up from the next lane, the right turn only lane, slightly behind me. I guess veered left, trying to cut across so that she could make a left at the next stoplight, because she ran into the back passenger door and rear quarterpanel of my car. She was totally clueless and kept asking me if I had made a left at the light or gone straight through the light. She had no idea I was in the lane beside her! Anyway, here is how the passenger side of my car looks now:
But, the damage is fairly minor (although the body shop is planning to replace the rear door panel), my insurance is paying to fix it, and I just called and scheduled the repairs for the first week of February, so then my car will be back to its brand new beauty! I'm really glad they're replacing the door panel - that dent is pretty deep. All in all, still pretty damn happy with the new car.