Monday, February 25, 2008

And Another Update

My Car is Ready! It was ready on Friday, but the body shop lost our phone number. So they called the insurance adjuster who neither called them back nor called us until today. I am really starting to hate this insurance company. This dude is entirely worthless. Nonetheless, hopefully, I will have my precious Civic back tomorrow. Which is delightful because I have been driving my in-laws Mercury Mountaineer. Which used to be our Mountaineer. It's a fine vehicle, don't get me wrong, and I made my peace with driving it on vacation last year. I can drive it fine. But in some ways I do still drive like I drive a Honda Civic. Like trying to cut in and out of traffic (oops). Or parking. I'm breaking my cardinal rule of "If you can't park it, don't drive it". I've done fine parking it, but there have definitely been some Nervous Tummy (thanks Tessie) moments when I realized that I was going to have park in a parking deck or some other small car parking area. And I have been parking on the other side of my office parking lot because I can just pull into the parking spot and then back out at the end of the day and there's nothing behind it. So I'm delighted that all of that can end and I can go back to my small car ways and parking where I like to park.


Tess said...

I like a small car too. BR drives and SUV and every time I drive it it freaks me out. Plus, I end up having to do a 40-point turn to get out of the garage. BAH.

Shelly said...

Tessie - exactly! SUV's are nice and are good family cars, but I hate to drive them. I want my small car.

Alice said...

goooooo civics! i love my little guy. if only he were a hybrid, my car fantasy would be complete.

hooray for a fixed car!!

Shelly said...

I *love* my civic. It is just the perfect car. Yeah, hybrid would be nice, but mine is paid off. That's way hard to beat. : )

Thanks, Alice!

Jess said...

Yay for your car! When I had a car it was a small one and I loved it. Now all I ever get on Zipcar is a Civic.

Shelly said...

Thanks jess! And what is Zipcar?

Laura said...

Hehehe. That's funny. I always, always drove small cars when I was younger. When I got married, my husband was insistent that I drive something huge. Now, when I drive a smaller car like the rental last week, I feel so exposed. I am sure I would get used to it again with time. I'm actually thinking of downsizing.

Shelly said...

Hey Laura! I know what you mean! When I got in my car last night, I felt like a race car driver - I was so low to the ground. I could feel the pavement under me! It felt really good, actually. : )